My former friend, Jenny B., who lives next door to us in sunny, happy, no-worries, we’re all here to relax Florida, talked me into entering her garden club flower show. WHAT WAS I THINKING!?
I don’t do competition. I gave up several careers because THEY INVOLVED COMPETITION on some level.
Okay, I've decided. I wanna puke. Crying is not going to cover it.
I mean to tell you, I'm an obsessive freak. I was constructing flowers at TWO O'FREAKING CLOCK this morning. How sick is that?
So Chris just came in from walking Remy. “How’s it look?”
I dunno. I wanna puke.
Well, did you at least finish it?
Yeah, I wanna puke. Keep the aisle open to the bathroom.
What do you think of it?
I dunno. I really wanna puke.
Now for the horrible, cruel, awful part of all this. I can’t go back into the show until 1:00. I won’t know anything until 1:00. That is FOUR HOURS from now. Who are these people? Sadistic floral &%^&$#$s. I mean, is this their idea of fun? Torturing innocent flower arranging dweebs, like me?
So I guess you have to wait for the results in a later blog. I wanna puke.
Here is a look at three of the four entries in the category.

I’m taking names too!
The St. Lucie West Garden Club
“Spring Magic”
A Standard Flower Show
Outdoor Resorts of Port St. Lucie
1:00 to 5:00 today
Free Entry
Today is the 101st anniversary of my mother’s birth. Happy Birthday Mom. I hope you are surrounded by love and peace.
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